Friday 24 February 2012

Top tips when designing a magazine

1) Firstly understand the target audience in which you are aiming to sell your magazine to.
2) Pick an appropriate colour scheme to relate to the target audience but limit you to three/four colours at the most but do not make all four colours contrast each other otherwise the design looks too complex.
3) come up with a masthead that fits the genre of the magazine you are designing.
4) Once you have decided on the colour scheme and genre take photos of a model that compliments your ideas.
5) Add selling lines at the top of the magazine as this follows general codes and conventions.
6) It would be helpful to your design if u include celebrity endorsement as this will work well as a selling point and get your view point across easily
7) Add the date, issue number and barcode to further authenticate the design
8) dependant on you genre change the size and direction of text across the magazine have what’s the most important larger font E.g. the mast head will always be the largest in font and the name of the model/ celebrity will be second largest.
9) Lastly add a "free bee"/"gimmick" to entice the reader to read on (e.g. Win a free Ticket to see "celebrity x" live in concert)

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