Friday 24 February 2012

Stages of development for double page spread

creating the double page spread was abit more challanging than the contents page i started off with a black background in "photoshop" and added an effect called lense flair i did this because i felt it brought my magazine in closer relation to my target audience of young black females, fancy effects like these keep the reader interested.

secondly i added several purple shere's initially i  then thought to have my model pose along the different speres as if there are solid objects, the same principle applies to the "N" in canace being elongated on the last stroke of the letter the "exclusive interview with" was something i decided to put there simply to follow the codes and convetions of magazines.

from my research i realised that the typography used in the top left corner of double page spreads tent to stand out, so the reader can understand what the page is about without having to read too much.

The interview questions i had scripted a while ago and interviewed my model on the 18th of January 2012 and the interview went smoothly my model gave very open responses to the questions i asked her i then typed up the interview on microsoft word the very same day and pasted the interview into the design

this stage was reletivly simple aswell i simple used other photo's i took of my model on the day of the photshoot this was something o had in mind from before which is why i have had her pose this way, in order to fit amoungs the shapes. i think this adds a nice effect as it shows different view points of my model and engages my target audience.

this in turn further adds to the point of what my model said in interview that a female doesnt have to were next to no clothing to be considered attractive.

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