Friday 24 February 2012

stages of development part 2

My plan with the photo is to have my model pose against it and I took photo of this suburban wall to fit in closer relation to the hip hop genre  because from my research I was the backgrounds of magazines used real location
This is my original image that I have taken into photo shop this phot was taken in the day at 3 O’clock I made it black and white in order to be able to manipulate the levels of colour to fit exactly what I have in mind
The reason I took this photo in the day was simply because I can see more of the graphic features of the wall itself

The location of this photo is a suburban alley way two streets away from my house I took images of other walls but I decided to go with this one as it was in my plan to have the model pose against the wall

This was me developing the back round wall I used a technique called due tone on photo shop this feature make an image two colours where I am able top freely adjust the levels
I chose mix between purple and pink as one of the colours as it relates closely to my target audience of females.
The second colour I added was black to highlight key details of the photo I took this photo before I took images of my model I had to de them seperatly as I didn’t want my model to be displayed in the duo tone effect.

(second Draft) this is my second draft for my front cover I changed the colour scheme as I felt red didn’t stand out in contrast to the background that I have now made up my mind on. I then changed the size of the masthead in order to have more room in the design as a whole as I felt the sat head was previously too big and didn’t follow the generic codes and conventions of magazines. , I added a selling line at the bottom of the design along with the date, price and barcode to add to the authenticity of the design.

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