Thursday, 10 November 2011


MED 1 OCR     Coursework brief – Print                                               9/11/11

Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.
·         Research – what do you need to look at?  How will you identify the codes and conventions to follow – collect evidence
·         Authors of this magazine – who are they, how free are they, what is their agenda / purpose?
·         Audience for this magazine
·         Media Language – Title, images, text
·         Representation of the School, Students, staff, parents, community
·         Values and ideology associated with this magazine
Research: 14th November –Blog deadline
1.    Collect some evidence of current school magazines
2.    Analyse how they construct meaning for their audience
3.    Establish a set of rules (codes and conventions they use) / guide to creating a effect school magazine
4.    Keep a record of your research
Planning: 21st November Blog Deadline
5.    Decide what type of school magazine you are going to design – what is the purpose of your magazine?
6.    Decide who is the audience (who is it aimed at?) – this will affect your design
7.    Draft sketch what you want on your front cover: colour, images, title, text, etc. – explain why (follow your rules)
8.    Draft ideal contents
9.    Keep a record of your planning
10. Present to class: 24th November
Production:25th Nov – 5thth Dec  / Blog deadline: 4th December
11.  Create your front cover and contents page
12. Record – as a diary / blog how you went about completing the task; discuss problems you encountered and how you dealt with them
Presentation 8th   December 2011
13. Present your front page to peers / class for evaluation
14. Record the feedback given and how you could use it
15. Record what you have learnt about production, techniques and print media in this task
Assessment 12th December 2011
16. Submit your products and records                                                               Due 12/12/11

Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine (if done as a group task, each member of the group to produce an individual edition of the magazine, following the same house style).
All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate(s), minimum of four images per candidate.                                                                                                                 Due 11/02/12
·         Research – what do you need to look at?  How will you identify the codes and conventions to follow – collect evidence?  What are the codes and conventions?
·         Authors of this magazine – who are they, how free are they, what is their agenda / purpose?
·         Audience for this magazine
·         Media Language – Title, images, text
·         Representation of the Industry, different social groups, audience, etc
·         Values and ideology associated with this magazine
You will need to keep your own record of the process you go through to create your products.  The presentation of the research, planning and evaluation may take the form of any one, or combination of two or more, of the following:
a presentation using slideshow software such as Powerpoint; a blog or website; a podcast; a DVD with ‘extras’.

Research: 10/11th December to end of term
17. Collect some evidence of current music magazines: NME, Kerrang, Q
18. Analyse how they construct meaning for their audience – Front page, contents, double page spreads
19. Establish a set of rules (codes and conventions they use) / guide to creating a effective music magazine – for each page
20. Keep a record of your research
Planning: Xmas holidays, for presentation to class 9th January 2012
21. Decide what type of music magazine you are going to design – what is the purpose of your magazine?
22. Decide who is the audience (who is it aimed at?) – this will affect your design
23. Draft sketch what you want on your front cover: colour, images, title, text, etc. – explain why (follow your rules)
24. Draft ideal contents
25. Photograph appropriate images for each page: stage a band / artist – consider locations, costume, props, makeup
26. Draft interview for double page spread – consider language used appropriate to genre and audience
27. Keep a record of your planning
Production: January 2012, for presentation 4/2/12
28.  Create your products using In Design
29. Record – as a diary / blog how you went about completing the task; discuss problems you encountered and how you dealt with them
30. Use an online production site to post your work and collect feedback

Presentation 4th February 2012
31. Present your products to peers / class for evaluation
32. Record the feedback given and how you could use it
33. Record what you have learnt about production, techniques and print media in this task
Evaluation 20%
In the evaluation the following questions must be answered:
34.  In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
35.  How does your media product represent particular social groups?
36.  What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
37.  Who would be the audience for your media product?
38.  How did you attract/address your audience?
39.  What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
40.  Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
41. Submit your products and records                                                               Due 11/2/12

The unit is marked out of a total of 100 marks: 20 marks for the presentation of the planning and research; 60 marks for the construction; 20 marks for the evaluation.
A                     B                     C                     D                     Eu
100–80            79–70              69–60              59–50              49–40 39–0

1 comment:

  1. Jerome, you need to be updating your progress with analytical entries. You need to be more detailed. What were your problems? How did you solve them?
    What did you learn?
    Please improve the grammar and punctuation too.
